This time I stayed in the Hotel which is called Amaranth Suvarnabhumi Airport, BW Premier Collection by Best Western. They offer the shuttle bus where just about 15 mins from the airport. The lobby is spacious and the staffs in the front call speak fluently English. On the left hand of the lobby, there is a lounge bar, you could discuss business and relax here. You will get a ticket for a compliment drink. Here you go for the first night- pineapple ginger drink. You can also enjoy the live band here.  



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除了工作的成長以外,因為開始寫文章,生活產生了些許的變化,不只多留心身邊的點滴,進而訓練自己的思考以及文筆,因為持續地寫文章,也讓一些朋友感受到記錄文字的力量,有人開始架設起部落格,開始記錄生活;也有朋友在外地工作,藉由空閒之餘,開始記錄心情文字,從他的字裡行間可以看出這份工作帶給他的收穫以及成長,似乎看到半年前的我,剛加入業務團隊的我,那時忙碌得很充實,現在的我更是在逐漸熟悉的崗位上,開始map up我的業務範疇,與新客戶建立關係、重新耕耘公司長期合作的客戶,並走出一套自己的拿單風格、參與更多的會議,要讓我的成績被更多同事、長官看見。


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The new year is coming soon, are you ready to set up your yearly goal? Most of us are ebullient(興高采烈) to write down our new year wishes, then after a couple of months (maybe a couple of weeks), we are getting lazy to achieve it. Until the end of the year, we review the list, just find that we are still stagnating. We haven’t been better for the whole year.

There are some directions and measurable ways to set that will be logically to achieve it.


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Christmas is coming, and time for spreading holiday cheer by giving Christmas cards to those special people around you. But how could we write a decent card?  Below I will find information pertaining to Christmas card for your reference

To Boss…


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Hsinchu, a famous windy city is often associated with meatballs (貢丸), dried persimmon (柿餅), and rice noodles (米粉). But for me, I think of the Hsinchu City God Temple (新竹城隍廟) which is one of the oldest City God Temples in Taiwan. You can also call it Cheng Huang Ye(城隍爺). God is an interesting figure in Daoism (道教) and originates from the traditional Chinese belief in the city guardian.

Throughout every generation of Dynasties in Taiwan, excluding the Japanese colonial generation, there were there highly ranked City God Temples. Tainan City god Temple was widely recognized as the highest-ranked temple during the Tungning Dynast (鄭氏王朝), whole the Taiwan Provincial City God Temple in Taipei was the highest-ranked after the Second World War. Finally, Hsinchu City God Temple was the highest-ranked during the Qing Dynasty(清朝) It was the only City God Temple preserving the inscription by the last Emperor of the Dynasty as well.


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南投輕旅行DAY2, 在跟民宿工作人員道別後,繼續我的旅程,先到最近的日月潭老茶廠走訪

喜歡我文章的朋友也可以追蹤我的臉書粉專:StellaHikes 還有追蹤我的Instagram @stella_hikes


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