The new year is coming soon, are you ready to set up your yearly goal? Most of us are ebullient
There are some directions and measurable ways to set that will be logically to achieve it.
Create goals for different areas of your life. Like:
Financial goals
Health and fitness goals
Career goals
Secondary skill goals
Write down the goals and review them periodically
Check the goals you set up regularly that you know which one is behind of schedule. There is some time could catch up.
The goals that are clear and attainable. Like:
Financial goals- investment growth 20%
Read 3 books in H1
Interpersonal network- make at least new friends (after the event, you should hang out or keep in touch)
Design goals that can be accomplished with a partner.
Sometimes, we will be lazy or give up on. If you can team up with a friend, you are bound to have more fun when you are working together. You won't be tempted to give up if someone else is counting on you.
Reward yourself when you achieve your goals.
The hard work will pay off!!! You will remember the thrill and the reward of accomplishing this year.
Go for a movie after you accomplish the fitness challenge.
A new year is not only a fresh start, but that also motivates you to try something new or to commit to yourself, however, we have many excuses to put on hold avoid attaining it.
No matter how many things you accomplish on your list, better than nothing. Hope we all can be better than yet.
Hope we all can fulfil of the goals on our list
image: google image