Many people told me: How impressive split" when they saw the photo

The photo was taken at 2019.03.09,Dandon, Liaoning 

I always stretch my body after work, making my neck, waist and legs relieve. I am pretty proud of my flexibility when it comes to my age.

When we talk about "split', there are some words I want to share with you

Here we go 

Split-劈腿,如果你想的"劈腿"是那個劈腿的話叫做'cheat on "

EX: Petty dumped her boyfriend because she found her boyfriend cheated on her.

Work off 消除

Stretch 伸展

Warm up 暖身(運動開始)

Cool down 收操(結束後緩和的運動)

Set 一組

Sit-up 仰臥起坐

Push-ups 伏地挺身

Jumping jacks 開合跳

Treadmill 跑步機

Squat 深蹲

Lunges 弓箭步

Plant 平板

If you don’t keep your body fit, you will have… 不好好照顧身材會有…

Spare tire 游泳圈腰間肉

If you watch your figure and exercise regularly, you will get… 如果你注意身材且規律運動的話…

Six pack abs 六塊肌

V-line/v cut 人魚線

Firm abs 馬甲線


I decided to work off the spare tire and make my body fit, so I go to the gym for workout twice a week. Before starting it, I am running on the treadmillsit-upsstretch for warm up to prevent from sports injury. My workout gear is barbells, torso rotations and bench presses. Twelve is a set and I do 3 sets every time. After that, I do split, lunges and squats for

cool down in case of muscle soreness.

Actually, it is not my list of workouts. I tried to use the words to compose an essay. Why not try to write down your workout list? You will know it is not that tough as you thought.

In fact, I do kick-boxing and aerial yoga (空中瑜珈) recently.

The end, the photo was taken on Thursday before I had an aerial yoga class 

































split-劈腿 (這個劈腿跟你想的那個劈腿不一樣唷你想的那個叫做 cheat on ,EX: Petty dumped her boyfriend because he cheated on her.)


flexibility- 軟度(n) flexible 柔軟的(adj)




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