Stella and Emma was in a cafe
Stella: How does your coffee taste?
Emma: It tastes chocolaty. What about yours?
Stella: Mine is bitter. I love it.
Emma: I think I ordered the wrong coffee...
Vietnamese coffee
coffee latte
When we are going to leave...
Stella: Excuse me, but this is not what I ordered. I ordered a cappuccino.
Staff: Oh, I am so sorry for the mistake. We'll make a new one for you.
Stella: Could you possibly do that within ten minutes? I am in a hurry.
Staff: I understand, we'll do our best.
What kind of roast
Below are how to comment the flavor
nutty - 堅果味的
fruity - 水果風味的
sweet - 甜味的
smokey - 煙燻味的
winy - 有酒香的
mild - 溫和
mellow - 甘醇
photo: google image
coffee bean/ coffee grounds - 咖啡豆/咖啡粉
photo: google image
grinder - 研磨器
photo: google image
think paper filter/ coffee dripper/ coffee pot - 濾紙/濾杯/咖啡壺