We all like cool drink, especially in such high temperature weather like now.
However, hand-shaken drink a day simply burns up money and bad for your health.
Today , I made a video is about how to homemade Honey Lemonade Sparkling Water, it is very easy and you can know some English here.
Don't worry, the Video is Chinese.
hand-shaken drink -> 手搖飲料(因為國外沒有這樣的說法,所以若是要強調飲料店的飲料,可以用這個詞)
burns up money -> 很燒錢(漫不經心的錢就這樣流失)
homemade -> 自己在家做的/國產的產品
handmade -> 手工,非機器做的
lemon juice -> 100%酸溜溜檸檬汁
lemon water -> 檸檬水 (餐廳提供的檸檬片+水,或是影片中我提到的在家會喝的檸檬汁+水_)
lemonade -> (lemon juice+water+sugar)
sparkling water -> bubble water or soda,氣泡水
laugh at ->"當下的"嘲笑
laugh about -> 事後回想會想笑的那種
Conclusion: This is my first time to do a video on the blog, please don't laugh at me, ignore the background noise and the useless words in the video. I will be better and better " IF" I plan to do other videos next time.