When the boss tells you something, except “okay” we can reply.Are there any words we can use?


Sure there are some words we can replace for “okay”



I see-我知道

Sure, I got it.-收到我了解

Yes, certainly.-.-是我知道

I understand-

Yes, right away-好的,馬上做

Copy that-收到

Roger that-收到

千萬不要說I know,這樣聽起來很不耐煩,像是我本來就知道了,還需要你告訴我嗎?

Copy that and Roger that 是無線電話的用語為什麼要叫Roger呢因為與Received(收到)同字首,就成了軍隊溝通的常用語了;如果是通話完畢就會用Roger over.

Attached photos were taken in Meihua Lake(梅花湖), wish everyone had a good day.



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